Episode 5:
The Secret of Monkey Island
This has got to be one of our most-requested games and we were excited to revisit it in this month’s episode. The Secret of Monkey Island came out in 1990 and signifies the start of a new era in LucasArts games.
Also, we’re happy to report that it totally holds up! Seriously, it’s still hilarious, the new graphics look great in the remastered version, and the old graphics don’t detract from the game in the original version, also the puzzles are just as hard as you remember. Possibly harder.
We bought this off the Apple App Store, but you can also find it on GOG.com.
Hope you get a chance to enjoy the game, and whether you do or not, hopefully you’ll enjoy this month’s episode. Also, give it a listen to find out what game we’re playing next month!
As always, you can find the podcast in these places:
iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM
- That book we keep mentioning is Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts by Rob Smith, and it’s a fantastic overview of the history of LucasArts with thousands of stories and illustrations. I always learn something new every time I open it up.
- For this episode, we relied extensively on Aric Wilmunder’s robust library of production documents as well as Ron Gilbert’s impressive collection of production documents and contemporary reflections.
- CoRri’s
beerdrink was a Dark and Stormy* and her song was “You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton the musical. - Jason’s beer was Orval and his song was “Untitled 7” (NSFW) by Kendrick Lamar.
- Ben’s beer was Russian River’s Pliny the Elder and his song was “Loser” by Beck.
- *The Men of Low Moral Fiber drink only** Cruzan Black Strap Rum.
- **That’s not at all true, but if the fine people at Cruzan would like to send us a bottle, we’d be happy to drink it.