Jason Helms
Jason left Lucas Valley a decade ago and now lives in Fort Worth, TX with his wife and daughter. He teaches classes on video games, comics, writing, and rhetorical theory at TCU. Jason is currently at work on a digital monograph entitled Rhizcomics: Rhetoric, Technology, and New Media Composition. If you’d like to see an academic article with drawings and animations, check out his essay at DHQ. The book will be that, but bigger!
Ben Helms
After growing up just a stone’s throw from the Artists of Lucas, Ben left to seek his fame and fortune in Los Angeles. After many majors and a couple degrees, he decided graphic design was his true calling in life, so much so that people even paid him to conduct these services for them. He somehow convinced an amazing woman to marry him along the way, as well as stumbled into a few fantastic children. When he’s not designing or doing MOLMF homework (playing old video games), he’s either punishing his drum kit or reading his infant daughters some bedtime stories.
Corrigan Vaughan
Corrigan travelled even farther away from the origin of these amazing games and currently finds herself in Montclair, New Jersey. She’s a expert in all sorts of pop-culture and media, ranging from TOS and basically anything that’s ever appeared on SyFy all the way to late 80s New Wave and most things in and adjacent to the Horror / Thriller genre of film and TV. She loves Jaws, good mixtapes, and you can also hear here every week on her OTHER podcast Jack of All Graves with cohost Mark Lewis where they discuss well, just about everything that keeps you up at night.
Thanks to all of our guests that’ve joined us on the podcast who’ve endured lots of pixelated graphics, difficult puzzles, and a few frustrating levels to say the least. We’ve loved having each of you on, and look forward to adding to our revered list of esteemed guests.