Episode 19:


Have you ever played a game you weren’t sure was a game? Where there weren’t any rules and no story to follow? In fact, it almost seemed more true and real than anything in your life had ever been up to that point?

Yeah. That’s this game.

Or at least it comes close to that a few times. Anyway, we really enjoyed Everything, and we highly suggest you give it a play before you jump into this episode. That being said…there aren’t really any spoilers sooo….have at it!

In this month’s episode we’re take a weird turn at the beginning and start off with the gameplay. I coaxed my wife into playing the game at the 27:30 mark, and at about 30:00 we FINALLY start talking about the making-of the game. We get into the concept of video games as art at 35:30 and even tie in some zen philosophy 38:40. Then at 42:30 we discuss what this really was…a video game? A friend? Our alternate realities?!?! Then Chuck visits at 44:15, we play some WTBWTS at 47:15, and we end things up talking about next month’s game, some FOLMF news, as well as a BIG PODCAST ANNOUNCEMENT at the 52:45 mark. Enjoy!


Make sure you listen to the episode to find out what game we’re playing next month.

As always, you can find the podcast in these places:

iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM


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