Episode 13:

Star Wars Battlefront

Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things. Good thing we’re not Jedi (and yes, it’s plural), because we this month we’re all about adventure and excitement in Star Wars Battlefront. This game is GORGEOUS. And while yes, it lacked in a few areas, the sheer size of the levels and details of graphics is just insane. Hopefully you get a chance to play the game and listen to our thoughts on it.

Fear? Anger? Aggression? Those are natural responses to this game at times. We’re sorry…that being said, it is a pretty game. So, so pretty.

Hope you enjoyed this episode! We’ll be going back to our roots next month with a classic LucasArts game. Listen to the podcast to find out which one it is…or just wait till Friday and we’ll put up a post all about it. Until then…

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iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM


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