Episode 51:

Treachery in Beatdown City

We’re running things back…to earlier this year. That’s right, it may be a new game, but it definitely harkens back to the games of yore that inspired this pod in the first place. Hope you get a chance to play it!

It’s another one of those great episodes where the history and development just smooshes into the gameplay with no discernible separation or musical interlude…so yeah. Go us. Anyway, after we talk about the game for awhile, we eventually play a rousing game of “What’s The Drink? What’s The Song?” (40:15), talk about our favorite segments (48:15), talk about what else we’ve been doing in the Recommendation Station (53:00), and end with talking about what we’re playing next month. And yes, we’re very excited about next month’s game. Give it a listen!

As always, if you in any way enjoyed this episode, feel free to rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you’re listening to it. Thanks for helping to spread the word!

And of course, you can always find us at the following places:

iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM


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