Episode 46:

Kentucky Route Zero

The trio is back! And we’re diving into the newly-finished indie pentology of Kentucky Route Zero. Hope you were able to give this one a shot, because it’s one of those rare truly unique and special games. And while each of us differed on our overall love for it, we all were blown away by different aspects of the game and had plenty to talk about in this episode–our longest episode EVER. So yeah…sorry? Or…enjoy? You decide!

We chit chat a bunch off the top, then quickly talk about some of the development (13:00) before getting into the radio drama that Ben so elegantly wrote and Corrigan and Jason so adeptly acted out (15:00). The gameplay talk goes on for far too long (20:30), before they play an unctuous round of “What’s The Drink? What’s The Song?” (64:00), talk about what else they’ve been playing, and chat about next month’s game too (72:15).

As always, you can find the podcast in these places:

iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM


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