Episode 41:
Among The Sleep
Happy Halloween! It’s officially scary season here at MOLMF headquarters and we’re excited and terrified to play Among The Sleep. Wow…definitely a horrifying-at-times kinda game, but some really high highs for sure. Go get this for Switch and enjoy it like we did!
We pretty quickly get into the development of the game and the company behind it (5:00), then turn to the gameplay shortly after (18:00). Then we play some WTDWTS (39:45), talk about what else we’ve been playing (48:15), and what we’re playing next month (53:15)! [Hint: it’s another classic star wars game!]
Thanks again for listening! And if you liked this episode, please rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you’re listening to it. That’d be a big help. Thanks again!
Also, give it a listen to find out what game we’re playing next month.
As always, you can find the podcast in these places:
iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM
- Jason’s drink was Pumking by Southern Tier and his song was “Oh No” by Girl Talk
- Corrigan’s drink was Apple Cider spiked with LSD and her song was the Hokus Pokus song by Sarah Jessica Parker “Come Little Children”
- Ben’s drink was Applejack and his song was “I’ve Got A Dream” from the Tangled soundtrack