Episode 12:

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge

That’s right, in the sequel to MOLMF’s first season, we’re bringing you one of our favorite sequels of all time! Had a blast playing this one, and hopefully you did too.

We start off with some changes to the theme song (ooooohhhhh), then after a quick intro we get into the history/making of stuff at the 4min mark, then at 22min in we get into all of the gameplay specifics and puzzles. Of course, after that we play a delightful found of “What’s the Beer? What’s the Song?” at about the 39min mark, and end with talking about next month’s game at around 45:45. Enjoy!

Make sure you check out what our Friends of Low Moral Fiber are posting about here: www.FOLMF.com

Also, give it a listen to find out what game we’re playing next month.

As always, you can find the podcast in these places:

iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM


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